Friday, November 21, 2008

Pray for Us!!!

My hubby called me yesterday morning and said that he might not make it home in time for Thanksgiving. : ( He said that there is one chance that he will make it home so I told him that I will put my focus and my prayers for that one chance for him to come home in time for Thanksgiving. Otherwise he won't be home until the 2nd of December. He said it has something to do with the contracts that they have with the planes or something like that. So I am asking everyone to keep us in your prayers and pray that Lim will come home on that one chance back here before Thanksgiving. I thank you all for your love and support. I will make sure that I will do a post as soon as he gets home!!!! : ) What a great day that will be!!!!!! I just can't wait!!! We all miss him so much! The boys are getting really anxious and so am I. Lim is also anxious and we know that we just need to put our trust in the Lord and everything will work out. We will keep you posted. Thanks


leslie mae said...

Erin!! We will be praying for you, as usual! Give Lim our love!

Helena said...

Oh, I hope he can make it home for Thanksgiving! Prayers headed your way.