Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Crazy Dreams!!

Whenever I am pregnant I have really weird dreams! I think it is all the hormones. Last night I had the worst dream!!! It was not a good activity at all! I woke up crying it was so sad. I had a dream that kids were being kidnapped and I was a teacher but they were kidnapped at their houses! It was so sad and I was trying to help find them and it was horrible!In this dream Malachi also kept trying to run down the street to this huge gutter! It had iron bars but he was the size of when he was two again and he could fit through them! I ran after him and by the time I got to him, he was about to let go of the curb! I told him never to do that and he looked at me and was like why Mom? It was just freaky and gave me chills!!! I am still a little disturbed by it hence the reason for me posting this.

On a good note last night my friend took me to get my very first Manicure!!! I have gone and had the fake nails put on before but never a manicure and it was really nice!!! I was thinking what a great gift for Mothers Day!!! The lady there asked to see our hands and as soon as she saw mine she said You need one!! I told her I have man hands. hahahaha So I am happy to say that they are looking more like a women's now. Hahahaha After our manicures we went for Coldstone. Yummy!!! Since it was Tuesday college night if you bought one ice cream the second one was only 25 cents! It was packed in there but so tasty and worth it! I had chocolate ice cream, peanut butter, hot fudge, and then Reeses Peanut butter cups! I thought it might be too rich but man it was well balanced and very tasty!!! I am glad I only bought a like it size since I scarfed the whole thing! hahaha My doctor says that I am only supposed to gain a half a pound a week. I don't know if I will make it this week. hahahaha


Sarah-Olivia said...

I ALWAYS have crazy dreams when I am pregnant too!! I've had some that I have woken up sobbing, some I just think, "What the heck! Where on earth did THAT come from?" And a lot about ex-boyfriends. Go figure huh?