Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Malachi's First Field Trip

I didn't have my camera with me when we went to the zoo for Malachi's first field trip! I was so bummed! Our charger is MIA! So thanks to some good friends of ours they took pictures and sent them to me. I still have one more friend who has some pictures for me but I thought I would post what I have. :) Malachi had a great time. Lim was able to come with us along with Isaac and Alma. We were all there and it was just a great day to spend time with eachother at the zoo. It was funny to watch Malachi with his friends. He wouldn't eat his lunch unless Daddy was standing next to him. He is afraid of the peacocks still! One came by him years ago at the zoo back home while we were eating. Since then he refuses to eat if there are peacocks around. Poor guy I hope he will grow out of that soon. These peacocks are pretty bold though. They will come right up to you and get a crumb or piece of food right next to your foot and if you are not careful they will get on the table! So crazy! Anyway we had a blast and here are the pictures of Malachi and his school mates : ) Enjoy. Malachi is almost done with Kindergarten!!! Man where does the time go! He only has two more days! Then he will go into 1st grade and Isaac and Alma start preschool next year!!! Half day but still what am I going to do before the baby is born??? I guess just get ready for the baby. hahahaha I have always had a child at home for the past 6 years. It will be weird that they are all in school well at least for half the day. Time goes by too fast!


leslie mae said...

I LOVE field trips!! I can't believe how tall Malachi is!! GOODNESS!! He's grown up so quickly!!! He really is a cutie!

Wilson's Wonderful World said...

Camilla and Hyrum are totally freaked by the peacocks too!