Friday, May 29, 2009

Please Pray for Us.

Today has been quiet the day! This early afternoon I found out that my oldest sister Amy has cancer. She has stage 1 germ cell cancer. It is the easiest to treat and coming from people who have lost loved ones to cancer they said if you are going to have cancer this is the kind that you want. She is recovering from her surgery right now and then they are going to start Chemo in about four weeks.

Lim received a phone call this early evening stating that his brother Keni is on life support and has been in a coma since last Sunday!!! He woke up for a brief moment while Lim was talking to his youngest brother Joey. Keni didn't know what was going on and was scared then fell right back into a coma again. He didn't speak or anything. The doctors said that they have done everything medically possible to save him and that it is up to Keni now. We have been praying for him! Lim is leaving tomorrow morning to fly back home. Unfortunately we will not be able to go with him. It is good that he goes. He really wants to give him a priesthood blessing. I think that will make miracles happen. We did receive a phone call from Joey tonight saying that Keni is showing signs of improvement. That his left lung is worse then his right. We just have to have faith and hope and pray.


Wilson's Wonderful World said...

How terrible. Definitely will be praying for you and your loved ones. Let me know if I can do anything else.

Unknown said...

Wow Erin, What happened to Lim's brother? Scary.