Lately I have been noticing that Isaac has been going to the bathroom a lot lately. This always perks my interest since I have had so many battles with bladder infections, UTI's, as well as almost Kidney infections (not a good activity!) I was trying to figure out if he said he had to go to the bathroom because he wanted to get out of doing chores, or if he really had something going on. I received a note from his teacher on Tuesday stating that he had been using the bathroom quiet often, and that it had been recently. Isaac might try to get away with things at home, but when it comes to school he is the teachers pet. : ) Anyway so I asked him if it hurt to go potty, which I have done before this and each time he has replied no, I just have to go potty.
I told him that if it hurts that he needs to tell me so that I can get him help and make it better. Wednesday Morning he said that it felt like a bee had stung him when he went pee. I made an appointment for Isaac to see the doctor, for that afternoon. I kept him home, and by the time we went to the doctor I thought I might have made a mistake because he was bouncing off the walls. hahahaha
We had him go potty in a cup and turned it in. The doctor examined him and said that everything looked normal from the outside, so I thought okay we are good. Then the results came back and said they found traces of blood in his urine and red blood cells. If it had been white blood cells that would have meant there was an infection, but there wasn't any.
The doctor said he wants to rule out Kidney Stones so we have an ultrasound on Monday afternoon. I have a feeling that the doctor feels it is something else but wants to rule out the Kidney Stones first. After that we will go from there. The doctor thinks there might be a blockage, if there isn't any Kidney Stones, among other things. He wouldn't really get into it. We should get our results back hopefully anywhere in between 24 to 48 hrs. We will be keeping everyone updated. : )
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Posted by Horn Family at 2:26 PM 1 comments
Monday, September 26, 2011
Turning to the Lord
I wanted to update everyone on what is going on with my hubby's warrant officer packet. We received the news last week that my hubby's waiver (for being in for 12 yrs) was disapproved. Meaning he has been in too long to become a warrant officer, because there are others who are just as qualified and have been in for less years. At first we were pretty bummed out by the news, but then we thought about it and could not deny seeing the Lords hand in this.
Though we don't know exactly what the Lord has in store for us, we are turning to Him and seeking his will. Something that has come to both of our minds is retiring when 20yrs comes around. We weren't sure as to when we were going to retire and what to do from that point. We felt to wait and see what happens with my hubby's Warrant Packet. That was going to be our decision maker. If he made it we would stay in for 30 yrs and if not then we would retire when the 20 yrs mark came.
So that is the plan right now. So for now we will be here in Fort Bragg, gearing up for my hubby to deploy for his fourth tour, which is coming up pretty quick! We are enjoying each others company and taking in every minute we have to be with one another! : ) We had a Great Time at the Great Wolfs Lodge, which the Army paid for! I am so thankful for that! : ) We don't know how long we will be here for, or what the future holds but we are excited, and keeping our eyes and hearts towards the Lord. : ) I will post pics of the GWL soon! I have to get them from my hubbies phone. ; )
Thank You everyone for your thoughts and prayers in our behalf! : ) We Love You All!! : )
Posted by Horn Family at 6:10 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Proud Mama!
I have to blog about this! I am so Proud of Malachi! He amazes me and teaches me so much! 1st he taught me not to put my fear in the flesh, but the Lord. He did this when his friend from school, who is our neighbor took the Lords name in vain. (Not that he knew any better.) I was talking with his Mom, when his friend said it. I didn't even hear it, but Malachi stopped what he was doing and said kindly, umm we don't say that. His Mom looked over at me and gave me a look like really?? I looked back like Yep. She then said Ohhh Ahhh We aren't very religious, before I could even speak Malachi said "hey, I'm not judging, we just don't say that." His Mom said okay, if he says anything inappropriate just let him know and he won't do it again. : ) Because of his example it helped me to ask others who were around me (later on) not to use the Lord's name in vain. I thought to myself, this is what I have been teaching my chillins and how can I be a good example of what to do if I don't practice what I preach. I thought of Malachi's courage and how he so kindly said it. : )
The 2nd thing while we were on our way to scouts we stopped at the store to run an errand real quick and then bought some water. We forgot ours back at home. Anyway while we were in line an elderly women asked Malachi if he would reach down and put the items on the bottom of the cart onto the conveyer, he of course said Yes and was so EXCITED, that he could help someone! He quickly put them on, and looked at her basket full of items. I asked her if she would mind if he could unload the rest for her. She of course said that she wouldn't mind at all, and Malachi unloaded the rest while I paid for our items. She then later asked where his scout troop meets at, to which Malachi was a little confused by what she said, so I answered quickly and proudly, The Church or Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints! : ) She gave us a little funny look, and I thought to myself I should have had a pass along card with me! We smiled at her and we were on our way. : )
Malachi said to me Mom I just served that lady! I said I know isn't it cool to serve others! Doesn't it bring such a great feeling with it! He was all smiles and said Yes Mom it does! : ) It was such a Wonderful day! : ) I almost started to cry, but I told myself to hold them back and enjoy the moment. : ) So Proud of him! Love being his Mom! : )
Posted by Horn Family at 6:06 PM 3 comments
Monday, August 29, 2011
Visitor's Center and Liberty Jail
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On 1st of July 2011 as we were moving to Ft. Bragg, we decided to start the move off right by visiting the Visitors Center in Independence Mo as well as Liberty Jail. Mom came to help us along with this move. It was so much fun having her with us, even if it was for a short time. : ) We all miss her so much, and look forward to having her come visit us again!!! : ) Thank you Mom!!! While we were at the Liberty Jail I ran into Sister Hall and Sister Knuckles!!!!! I know I would have missed seeing both of them if Alma didn't have to go to the bathroom! It was a GREAT SURPRISE for all of US! I just love those sweet Sister Missionaries! I Love All the Sister Missionaries we meet! They are Awesome! : )
The kids had a blast playing in their playroom at Liberty Jail, and showed such reverence while we listened to what life was like for Joseph Smith and those who were with him in Liberty Jail, as well as what life was like for the saints, as Joseph Smith and those who were with him were in jail.
I Love seeing their knowledge and love for the gospel grow! They sure are amazing Kids! It was such a great way to start our trip! We stayed later then expected but it was well worth it! : )
Posted by Horn Family at 7:59 AM 3 comments
This is how Joseph Smith used to clean the tables......
I have to share this sweet story with all of you! So we were having some friends come over for dinner last night and I was preparing dinner. Isaac, Alma, and Kimmi wanted to help me, so they all grabbed a baby wipe and started wiping down the table in the living room. As they were doing this Isaac said to Alma, "Alma this is how Joseph Smith used to clean the table." It put the biggest smile on my face! Alma agreed with Isaac. I Love moments like this! Just touches your heart so much! These are the times to cherish. : ) I wish I had taken a picture because all three of them were walking around the table! It was so cute!
Posted by Horn Family at 6:44 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
The Results Are In!!!!
After I wrote my last post, I received a call around 3 this afternoon saying that I Do NOT have Cancer!!!!!! WAAAAHHOOOO!!!!!! I am so Grateful for all the Prayers and Thoughts in our behalf! : ) As soon as I got off the phone I said a prayer of Great Thanks! : ) These are Great Times and to celebrate this good news, I made chicken alfredo from scratch, angel hair pasta, and honey ginger carrots! Yummy!!!!! I am quiet proud of myself! : ) Thank you everyone for all the prayers and love and support. : ) Now onto recovering the rest of the way and getting everything ready for the move. : ) Great Times!! : )
Posted by Horn Family at 3:10 PM 3 comments
No News Yet!
I called the doctors office and they said that they would have to pull my chart and have the nurse call me back. I said okay. (that was at 9:30 am) around 12 I heard from them, my heart started racing a little bit since the nurse paused for a moment, then she went on to say, what did you need from us. I took a deep breath and said that I wanted to see if my test results are back and what they might be. She said okay what did you have going on..... what test results. So I had to explain the whole thing, then she said okay I looked up your file and it doesn't have anything in there yet. I also looked up the computer and still nothing back yet, but that she will do some more looking around to see if they have come back yet.
I explained to her that I really would like those test results because we are supposed to move at the end of the month, and I need to plan things out if I do have cancer. She then said Oh Wow, yes I totally agree. I said thank you and she said that nothing has come back but that she will be telling all the nursing staff to be on the look out for my test results and that they still have to show them to the doctor first before I can be contacted. I told her that I understand and that it is fine. I just ask to be notified as soon as possible.
She also said that they had an appointment for me to go over how everything went in my surgery and to go over the test results good or bad. I asked her if she was talking about my appointment to see if I was all the way healed which is on the 22nd of this month. She replied yes. I told her that my packers are coming that day and that I need to know of the test results before that day if it is possible. So that is where we are right now. I have a promise from the nurse that they will be keeping their eyes out for my test results and showing them to the doctor before they will call me and let me know. So I am going to keep on praying that I get the results before my appointment on the 22nd. I am trying to have patience. It hasn't really been a strong point for me, but I can tell ya that I am getting better. : )
As far as Isaac's results, they did have his in and I am happy to say that he does not have diabetes, but that he had a little bit of bacteria in his urine, so the antibiotics cleared that all up! : )
Posted by Horn Family at 11:05 AM 2 comments
Monday, June 6, 2011
Much Needed Update!
I figured that I needed to give a more detail update on what has been going on in our family. I didn't want to put everything on Facebook, since it is dealing with a little graphic details, not horrible but more then what I wanted on Facebook, so here it goes. Right before leaving on our trip (I will have pictures soon to share) I had immense pain on my left abdomen. We prayed to guide the doctors to know what to do. Personally I thought that it was a uti going into my kidneys. I went to the doctor and he said that I didn't have a uti and that he thought it was a cyst. Which I have had before on my left ovary.
He said that there wasn't anything they could do unless it was really big and then they could cut it off. He looked at us and then said that there might be something that could be done but that he needed to check. We said okay and waited. He came in and said you need to go see your surgeon. Lim and I were both surprised by this suggestion but said okay. They were able to get me in the next day. My surgeon did some ultrasounds and said that I have polycystic ovaries. (which must have developed during or after I had Kimmi) With polycystic ovaries you normally can not become pregnant. So the surgeon was pretty surprised that I have had four children. Anyway with all of my problems that I have had with heavy bleeding and with my sister having germ cell cancer of her ovary he decided it would be good to do a partial hysterectomy, where he would remove my left ovary and my uterus. We set the date for quickly after we return from our vacation. We went on our vacation and loved seeing our family and friends! I did have pain from time to time but with some pain medication and some prayers we had a pretty good time! : ) We arrived home on Sunday evening the 22nd of May. We went and took the chillins to the dentist, and then did my labs.
Tuesday we went into the hospital for my surgery at 6 am. We asked the nurse how long it would take and she said roughly 1hr to 1 hour in a half, because there were some possibilities like too much scar tissue and all that jazz. Anyway my surgery ended up being 2 in a half hours. Lim said the surgeon came out sweating like crazy when he talked to him shortly after my surgery. He then told Lim that my left ovary was almost the size of my uterus! We were all shocked! With all the ultrasounds that we had it never showed my left ovary being as big as my uterus! He said that my right ovary looked good and there for he left it inside. He also said that he was sending my uterus in to have it checked for cancer. He feels that it isn't cancer, but he wanted to be safe. He also said to me the next day, that if I do have cancer I have to come in to have the right ovary removed before going through the treatments.
I am recovering well. I feel like myself, the hard part is trying not to do too much. I know we are getting ready to move and I want to get my house ready for it. I have done the kitchen for the most part and the living room. I have a peace about this situation. I can't say that I know for sure that I don't have cancer but I can say this, that if I do have cancer I will be alright. I have felt my Saviors love and have seen his hand in this trial that we are facing right now. I don't have all the answers but I do know that I will make it through this.
My personal thoughts that I am having right now is that I don't think I have cancer. Also that I would not like to have it because if I do that will throw our plans for pcs'ing (moving) to Ft. Bragg way off. If I do have cancer I would have to go into surgery again which means another four weeks of recovery and then who knows how long for treatments. Where I would have those treatments, I don't know, neither would I know if Lim would be able to stay with me, nor what to do with the children.
So I figure until I have been told, Yes I do have cancer, I have adopted John Bytheway's Motto: I'm going to keep going until I am told to stop. : ) So I am not planning, or really even thinking about the what ifs'. I am just going to keep planning this move. I am grateful for the power of the priesthood and that I have it in my home. : ) The test results are supposed to be in this Tuesday so I am hoping to hear from them on Tuesday if not I will be calling on Wednesday. As soon as we know we will be posting our results.
On a side note, we are also waiting for test results for Isaac to see if he has diabetes or a bladder infection. We brought him in last week to the doctor thinking he had a bladder infection. The doctor is thinking that he either has a bladder infection or diabetes. They drew his blood last week. We will keep you posted as soon as we find out anything. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers! : ) We truly are blessed to have great family and friends. : )
Posted by Horn Family at 8:54 AM 4 comments
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Happy Birthday Isaac!!!!
Here is our Happy Birthday Boy!!! : ) I can't believe that he is 6 years old!!! He is so excited that it is his Birthday today! He came up to me and said Mom look how tall I am!!! So cute! I just love it!!!! Here are some pictures of Isaac to celebrate the years of joy that he has brought into our family! : )
Posted by Horn Family at 7:23 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Kimmi said Bye
Today Kimmi said the actual words Bye as her brothers were off to school!!! She waved and said it at the same time! She truly amazes me! She understands so much! She has a hard time saying with words what she can understand but if you watch her, you know that she knows what you are saying or feeling. She picks up on how people are feeling all around her. Here is an example for you. Alma was upset and throwing a fit, so I put him up in his room till he could calm down. Kimmi looked for me and when she found me she said Mom, and then looked up toward Alma's room (where he was still throwing a fit) and she made her eyes big and then she hit the door, she ended up hitting the door twice. I looked at her and said yes Kimmi brother is upset ,but we don't hit, okay, we need to be soft. She then soften her facial expression and grabbed onto the door frame and lifted her leg behind her and pointed her toe! So cute!!!! She did that twice and then I asked her if she was trying to dance like a ballerina and she started doing her dance moves! So cute!!! She just makes me laugh! She has also taught me to be more gentle. She has a very sensitive soul and I want to keep it that way!!!! : ) We just love having her in our family!!!! The boys adore her including her Father!!!! It is sweet to see! : )
Posted by Horn Family at 6:24 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Isaac's Testimony of Prayer
Tonight has been a GREAT night!!! It has been freezing over here and the boys haven't been in school this whole week! We don't have a ton of snow on the ground but we did have a blizzard the last two days and the day before that we had a sheet of ice that covered everything! So needless to say since Sunday after church I have not left my house. I was totally planning on keeping it that way for as long as I could till we needed some necessities that couldn't wait! It was sunny and the roads were pretty much all cleared up so I said okay lets go. (I have to add that I would have gone earlier but I fell asleep! I never take naps but I did today, it must be having all three boys home for so long, it wears you out. hahahaha I Love it though) Anyway after my nap I looked at the time and it was about four something in the afternoon closer to five. So I loaded up all the chillins and saw my drive way but didn't think anything of it, other then that it is too cold to be shoveling snow! So we left went to the store the boys were so good!
Then they asked if we could go to big pig,( Famous Daves) They love going there. I was about to say no, lets eat at home but then it hit me it's Wednesday (normally I would be at young Womens but due to the weather it was canceled) So I thought how Isaac's 6th Birthday will be next Wednesday and I won't be able to do this next week, which I wasn't planning on doing anyway since I want to start cooking their favorite meal. Anyway on Wednesdays kids eat for 99 cents! So I said okay yes lets go eat at Big Pig because it is right behind Target! So we went there and had our dinner and I had Malachi go sneak and say that we are celebrating Isaac's Birthday with out Isaac knowing. hehehehehe Malachi totally told him though maybe two minutes after sitting back down! hahahaha He was too excited! It was funny. Anyway so every time Isaac saw the servers clapping their hands and coming out with a big bowl of ice cream he thought it was for him. I told him that it wasn't and that it was someone else's birthday. There were a lot of birthdays tonight. I am think at least five in the time we were there not including Isaac's! Kimmi loved watching them come out clapping their hands! She started doing it with them and had a big smile on her sweet face as she did so!
Then they came when they saw most of us were done eating and stood right behind Isaac. He was quiet while they sang and clapped their hands but as soon as they were done he let out this big YAY!!! It was so funny!!!! The boys pretty much devoured the ice cream, it didn't have a chance but Kimmi and I were able to get a little bit before they ate it all gone. : ) Such a fun evening.
We came home and everything was fine except the temp started dropping not a good activity. It was at 12 degrees and dropped to 0 degrees in about maybe 10 - 15 mins if that. So I just told the boys when we get home, I will unlock the door and get straight in because with the wind chill it is supposed to be -15 to 24 degrees!!!! Can you say FROST BITE!!! Not a good activity! I know we wouldn't be outside long enough for that but still that is just way cold!!! Anyway everything is great the boys are ready to go, I start to pull into the driveway and yeah....... you guessed it I got stuck!!!! I didn't shovel my driveway! It wasn't even my whole driveway that needed to be shoveled because of the blizzard it blew around and only ended up pilling up on certain parts of my driveway. So I am trying to get the car unstuck but putting it in reverse and drive, it wasn't working.
So I went outside grabbed the shovel and started to shovel away the snow my hands quickly became numb because I didn't have gloves on because my boys lost all three of my pairs of gloves! (not a good activity) Thankfully I did buy a pair tonight totally an inspiration to do so! So I tried again with the whole reverse and drive thing still nothing. This time I grabbed my gloves from the back and told the boys to sit still (so they put on a movie) I started to shovel again and while doing so hid my face in my hubbies army coat because for some reason mine is MIA! I have no idea where it could have gone too. I am sure it will show up under the boys bed somewhere or something like that, a totally random place, where it was hidden. Back to the story so I am doing that getting the snow up and I felt like I got enough this time so I went back into the car and it came to me put the van in drive 2. I am like That's Right I have that!!!!! (totally to myself) Anyway so I did and we got out of it!!!! YAY!!! Everyone cheered except Kimmi because she was fast asleep! How she could sleep through that I have no idea but thankful she did. As everyone is cheering Alma said Mom You Rock!!!! I was like wow thank you Alma and then Isaac said yeah well I said a prayer Mommy and that is why we got out!! I said you did, and he said yeah when you couldn't get the car unstuck the first time I said a prayer and I knew we wouldn't be stuck anymore! I was so grateful for the testimony that he has in prayer and that he had shown so much faith in prayer! I said okay lets say a prayer of thanks to Heavenly Father for hearing and answering our prayer!
I know this seems like such a small thing but when it is in the negatives and your freezing, trying to get your van full of children which is stuck, half in your drive way and the other half in the street, it is a big thing, not only that, what a testimony builder this was for Isaac and the other children as well as me!!! I am feeling so overwhelmed with Gratitude and Joy for this opportunity to see Isaac's faith in the power of prayer as well as to teach the other children and just gain more strength in our faith in the power of prayer. Love It!!!!! What sweet, good boys I have! I can't wait till they are priesthood holders!!!! Also it is going to be so nice to have three, young, strong boys who can push the van if we ever get stuck! hahahahahahahaha Good Times! We totally had such a spiritual night! I can't think of any better way to end our night then this way!! : )
Posted by Horn Family at 7:29 PM 4 comments
Big Brother Lil Sister
It was super super cold outside tonight and so with that we all had our winter gear on. So I have the boys go first into the house and then I asked Malachi if he could hold Kimmi so that I could take off my boots and not have to lay her on the ground. So he took her. I took off my boots and then my bladder was calling ASAP! So I ran into the bathroom and took care of that. (Sorry if it was TMI) Anyway I walked out and said okay Malachi I am ready to take her to bed now, there was no response. I looked over and saw both Malachi and Kimmi fast asleep! Such a sweet sight to see! Totally made my night, to see the tenderness between the both of them. I didn't want to wake them, but the flash from the camera woke Malachi up and Isaac came downstairs asking for his pajamas so it was short lived, but I will cherish this for forever!
Posted by Horn Family at 7:18 PM 1 comments
Friday, January 21, 2011
STAR Student : )
Isaac was given the Star Kid Award at his school today!!! There was an assembly today at the boys school. (Jefferson Elementary) The Principle called Isaac up to the front and told the whole school that Isaac was a Star Student and asked for them all to give him a round applause. They gave him a necklace that says "my principal thinks I am a star" as well as a certificate for the Sirloin Stockade. He was so pumped when I picked him up!!! We went to the Sirloin Stockade for dinner to celebrate!!! He couldn't wait to hand the server his certificate! It was so cute!! We are so Proud of him!!! Way to Go Isaac!!!!!
Posted by Horn Family at 3:58 PM 2 comments