Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Kimmi said Bye

Today Kimmi said the actual words Bye as her brothers were off to school!!! She waved and said it at the same time! She truly amazes me! She understands so much! She has a hard time saying with words what she can understand but if you watch her, you know that she knows what you are saying or feeling. She picks up on how people are feeling all around her. Here is an example for you. Alma was upset and throwing a fit, so I put him up in his room till he could calm down. Kimmi looked for me and when she found me she said Mom, and then looked up toward Alma's room (where he was still throwing a fit) and she made her eyes big and then she hit the door, she ended up hitting the door twice. I looked at her and said yes Kimmi brother is upset ,but we don't hit, okay, we need to be soft. She then soften her facial expression and grabbed onto the door frame and lifted her leg behind her and pointed her toe! So cute!!!! She did that twice and then I asked her if she was trying to dance like a ballerina and she started doing her dance moves! So cute!!! She just makes me laugh! She has also taught me to be more gentle. She has a very sensitive soul and I want to keep it that way!!!! : ) We just love having her in our family!!!! The boys adore her including her Father!!!! It is sweet to see! : )


Lisa said...

Cute girl! I wanna watch her say and do stuff!