Friday, January 21, 2011

STAR Student : )

Isaac was given the Star Kid Award at his school today!!! There was an assembly today at the boys school. (Jefferson Elementary) The Principle called Isaac up to the front and told the whole school that Isaac was a Star Student and asked for them all to give him a round applause. They gave him a necklace that says "my principal thinks I am a star" as well as a certificate for the Sirloin Stockade. He was so pumped when I picked him up!!! We went to the Sirloin Stockade for dinner to celebrate!!! He couldn't wait to hand the server his certificate! It was so cute!! We are so Proud of him!!! Way to Go Isaac!!!!!


Scott and Sarah said...

soooo cute! Way to go Isaac, we are proud of you too :)

Lisa said...

That makes me tear up thinking about that. Out of a whole school my little Isaac was the Star Student! I am so proud!