Monday, January 28, 2008

Our Beloved Prophet!

Our Beloved Prophet President Gordon B. Hinckley passed away last night at seven pm. We will greatly miss him but are grateful for the knowledge that we are able to live again! That we are able to be reunited with our families!!! What a reunion that must have been!!!! The boys were sad but then yet not. Malachi said to me President Hinckley died I said yes hunny he passed away last night and then he said but he is not dead he is with Heavenly Father! I said yes he is he is with all of his family that has passed away before him. That gave him comfort! Wow!!! Children are so intelligent!!! The have such a great understanding of things and I am grateful for the gospel! I am so happy to apart of it and to be able to teach my children the principles of the gospel! That they can find comfort knowing that when we die it allows us to be with our Savior and our family that has past away before us! I truly feel blessed to hear the council and teachings of President Hinckley. To see the great example he was to all of us! He is surely will be missed!!!! We thank thee O God for a Prophet!


leslie mae said...

Aw! Kids really are more in tune with this kind of thing than we give them credit for huh?!