Monday, January 21, 2008

Lim made SGT!!!!!!!!

I have to share the great news! Lim and I talked lat night from 11:00 to 12:30. Then he called me back at 2:40 in the morning and I was like I know it is not that time in the morning to get up yet. I answered the phone and Lim told me that he has made E-5!!!!! I am so excited so now it is Mrs. Sgt. Horn!!!!! I am so Proud of him!!! He has worked very hard and has deserved this for a long time!!!! All the prayers and hard work has paid off!!! We are thankful for our many blessings!!! We have truly been blessed!!!! We want to thank all of you for your prayers and support! We love you all!!!!!! Yeppie!!!!!!!!!


Jenn said...

That's awesome!!! Congrats!

leslie mae said...

Congrats Erin! That is great. Lim (and you) really deserve it! Tell Lim we're proud of him the next time you talk to him k!