Friday, January 4, 2008

Saying goodbye 2007! 2008 is going to be Great!

The year 2007 holds a lot of mix feelings for the boys and I. At the starting of 2007 our family was on the snowy and icy roads heading back to Kansas! To say the least it wasn't much of a start to our New Year but we were able to be safe and that is what counts! We found out that my hubby would be deploying that year so we decided to have the boys and I come back home while my hubby would be gone.
We moved in the summer. My cousin Lisa who I like to call Reesa came and helped us drive back. On our way Isaac became sick the day that we left and threw up right before we went on the road! As we were driving my cousin became sick and Lim!! We finally arrived at Idaho where we visited Leslie and Travis our cousins!!! We had a blast over there and it went by so fast! We went to the rodeo for the first time!!!! Lisa even endured a country consert!! Way to go Lisa!!!! Then we got back on the road and headed for home!!! It was hard to say goodbye to my hubby and for the boys to say good bye to Daddie! Isaac had the hardest time with it all because he knew Kansas as home and didn't understand why Daddie had to leave. Things are getting better. I have to say that I love the webcam! It has made life so much more easier for us! The boys are able to see Daddie almost every day! They show him thier new moves rather it be their dancing moves or ninja moves. It is so funny to watch and it makes Daddies day to see how much they have grown and all the sweet and funny things that they do! The boys have grown so much! Malachi is being taught preschool by Aunt Net which he loves!!!! He is so smart! Maybe too smart for his own good at times. :) I love it though! Isaac is my little ninja and what a firecracker he can be! He is our stuborn child he gets it from both sides! I am hoping it is just a faze but I think his stubborness is here to stay! Alma is calm and mellow for the most part but take away his binki and man he doesn't stop! He loves to make noises and yell and scream, which fun things he learned from his older brothers! They are a lot of fun and keep me busy!!!! Lim is doing good in Iraq. He ran a 10 mile run in Iraq! He came in shortly after the Commander who runs marathons! Way to go Lim!!!! He is misses being home with us! He takes on this deployment with honor and understanding! He is my hero! I love him so much and I am so Proud of him!!!! I am also thankful for him and his willingness to serve our country! We have been very grateful to be surrounded by family and friends during this holiday season! We will miss everyone as we move back to Kansas! Which brings me to 2008 is going to be Great!!!!!

Kate my sister said that as we were toasting our Martinelli's to the New Year! I thought it was a cute saying! I am looking forward to this New Year! This is when my hubby will be home from a 15 month tour!!!! I can't wait!!!! Malachi will be starting kindergarten in August! I can't believe he will be in Kindergarten! We don't have him adopted yet or sealed but I am hoping and praying that this will be the year that we will be able to accomplish that!!! I will be keeping you all informed! Isaac will be doing some preschooling, and as for Alma I think we will be working on potty training this year! He has shown some intrest in it as I have been potty training Isaac which is now successful!!!!! What a blessing that is! Diapers last me so much longer now!!! It is great!!!! The boys are so sweet and fun to be around! I know that they will miss it here when we move back to Kansas! I called up housing to see where we were on the list and they say that they would have a house ready for us around March! So I will be leaving in March so I can be there when they are ready so I can just drive down the road and sign for it!!! I am hoping that it will be sooner then later! It will be bitter sweet! Bitter because we will miss our family and friends here at home! Sweet because I will be able to get things ready for Malachi to start kindergarten also our house for when Lim comes on his R&R and because the boys will have their own room and beds!!!!! I can't wait!!!! Plus my hubby will come home this year!!!! I can't wait to see him!!!! I miss him so much!!!!! This will be a great year for us to be reunited!!! I have high hopes for this year!!! It started off with a great begining!!! We (Aunt Clarie, Mom, Jeanette, Lisa, Kate, and myself) were all dressed up in old prom dresses and or brides maid dresses! It was so much fun!!! I will be posting some pics soon!!!! We had such a good time!!! We went through 7 bottles of Martinelli's!!!!! We still have four left! Can you tell that we love Martinelli's?! We all had a good time that night we had on some fancy hats that said Happy New Year and it reminded me of tiara's! George Huntington flew in town that Saturday before New Year and he left yesterday if I am not mistaken. They stopped by and visited for a while and then had to go. It was a fun party!!! Maybe one of the most fun New Years that I have had in a while! Which was really nice and much needed! Well that is all for that!


Kate said...

You stinker! You took my saying!! Oh well I'll still use it! Love ya