Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Date Changed again!

I received a call from my surgeon's office yesterday morning telling me I am not going to be happy. (not a good thing to hear) Then she went on to tell me that they have pushed my date back once again to Thursday! My Dr. had nothing to do with this decision. I guess my surgeon was going to be gone on Thursday so that is why they were going to do Wednesday but since he is going to be at work on Thursday now they decided to change the date again and make it Thursday. They said that they won't change it on me again but I have heard that before and I am not writing it down on my calendar until I leave that morning to go in and have Kim Yonn!! My poor calendar is all blacked out and looking horrible! I will be doing my labs tomorrow and then Thursday is the big day! I can't wait!!! I am grateful for the extra day. I am able to get last minute things done around the house and able to get last minute items that we needed. My hubby gave me a blessing last night with one of our good friends and that helped me out a lot. I was in such a black mood yesterday after getting off the phone. I don't like feeling that way!!! Of course no one else likes it either. Can't say I blame them. So today I went shopping and tomorrow I will need to get somethings that I forgot like curtains for Kimmie's room and the boys' room. I totally spaced that one. I just thought I would keep everyone updated. I will be going in at eight this time. Which I think is the best time because it isn't too early or too late. The boys will be able to have their normal sleeping routine and be able to wake up and get ready and then Bethany will pick up my boys and take them to school. : ) I know that they will be sooo excited!!! I know I am! hahahahahahahaha Well I better go almost time to pick up Malachi from school.


Tiffany said...

Sheesh! I know how incredibly frustrating it is waiting around for babies to come! I am so anxious to see pictures of your sweet little angel! Good luck tomorrow!!!