Saturday, August 9, 2008

Breaking Dawn!!!

Okay so I am totally addicted to the twilight series! Thanks to my sister Kate! I pre ordered the book thinking that I was getting a great deal and I was so excited. Well I ended up having to wait until the 6th to get my book which was so hard!!! I went with my friend Brooke to the Breaking Dawn book party. (I introduced her) It seems that everyone that I have talked to in Kansas has not heard of or read the books!!!!! Crazy I know! So I have started to introduce these books to a couple of people and all who have read it can't put it down!!! I love it! First they make fun of me for reading a book about vampires and then they end up loving just like me! Great Fun! Anyway so I went to the party and was so sad that I had already preordered mine! While I was there though they were doing drawings and I won a dvd trailer on the movie!!! How fun!!! So I had my friend Brooke tell me everything that she was reading until she left it one night and then I read it until I was finished and then started re reading the beginning for myself! I couldn't put it down nor did I feel tired! I read until 6:30 in the morning!!!! That is a new record for me! I couldn't believe it! I won't give it away the ending or anything but wow! AWESOME!!!! I can't wait for the movie. I was talking to my hubby and said that I want to see that movie in the movie theater! He said that he wanted to rent it and I said NO!!!! We have to watch it in the movie theater. He laughed but then agreed!!! I can't wait for him to get home!!!! I love my hubby!!!!! He said that he just can't say no to me!!! Such an Edward thing to say hahahahaha. Okay enough of that. I just had to say that it is a great read and that I couldn't put it down! I Loved it!!!!


Helena said...

I read the first one. Just couldn't buy the relationship (though I did get a kick out of the fact that it was set in Forks).

Kate said...

Sis you crack me up! I loved it too! Miss you- love you!

Jeff and Carol said...

I just started reading the first one. :)

Unknown said...

You are funny! I read it until we left for camping and when we got back I had to finish it so I stayed up until 3. I still like the first one the best though.

leslie mae said...

I haven't read it yet!! I'm waiting until I'm in the hospital... though I haven't even bought it yet!!! I've heard it's great!