Wednesday, July 8, 2009

We are home

We are home now. We got back two Monday's ago. We ended up driving back instead of flying. We inherited Keni's car (which we ended up trading cars with Lim's Dad, since his car has less miles on it and is more new) That has been such a blessing. We have been trying to figure out how Lim was going to get to VA for the 2nd part of BNOC. So this has been an answer to prayers. Through this experience we have become much closer to my husbands side of the family. I am grateful for the knowledge that we have of the Plan of Salvation. It has been a great comfort to me. Lim is doing good. It is still hard for him but he is doing better. We are both looking forward to doing his temple work in a year! It just seems so weird that he is gone but I know that he is in a much better place and is no longer suffering. When we came home the next day Chad Kate's husband came and it has been fun having him here with us. Dad and Sandi came up for the fourth of July it was a full house but we all had a blast. Lim has been put on the flag detail where he hangs up the posts flag and folds it at the end of the day. I do have pictures to share just haven't had the time to put them on my computer yet. I have lots of pics from California but I am waiting to get those in the mail. We ended up going to Knott's Berry Farm for free which was so much fun. It was hot but the kids had a blast! Alma couldn't get enough of the rides and wanted to go on the big roller coasters!!! This boy has no fear which totally freaks me out! hahahaha It was nice to go somewhere fun with the boys. We went with Sean,and her fiance David and Davie her sister! We had a blast. I will post the pictures once they come. Lim was in the Fourth of July parade! He was on the opposite side of us so we didn't get a picture of him in formation but it was a whole lot of fun and we did take some pictures of that. So lots of pictures to come. I will add more detail when I post the pictures. Just wanted to let everyone know that we are doing well. I better go I have four children up and needing my attention. Kate is on her way back from taking her hubby to the airport.


Lisa said...

Finally a new post! Sheesh. Now time to add pics..hehee. I'm so glad you guys are home, and well. Love to everyone!