Thursday, November 15, 2007

What happens when you cut hair!

So tonight I cut Malachi's and Isaac's hair! They haven't had their hair cut ever since my husband left to Iraq. I know, it has been a long time and was much needed!!! Well Malachi stood real still which was really nice. Isaac on the other hand did pretty well.... except when he had his breakdown! He started freaking out I was almost done but he was trying to tell me that he was done, and I as I am telling him to calm down and that we are almost done... My Mom came in to help out because she could hear him freaking out all the way into the kitchen! Anyway so she came in and was talking to him too, and all of a sudden I felt something on my leg I looked down to see what it was and it was him peeing on me!!!!! I couldn't believe it! He didn't stop there, he had to go pee some more all over the floor! I knew that he had to go, but he wouldn't go on the toilet the little turkey! So he felt it to be a good idea to pee on me, not so much fun! Just before I cut his hair. I had just cleaned up him peeing on the floor as he was on his way to the bathroom. He felt that getting to the door was close enough and started peeing! I tell ya! I will have pictures of the boys soon! Good times! Ahhhh boys!!!! Never have a dull moment.