Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Seeing the light at the end of the tunnel!

I want to say sorry for not posting very much. We have had quiet the last couple of weeks. Shortly after Grandma Shirley left Alma became sick. He had the flu. We took him in and they confirmed it was the flu.(I talked with my doctor later and was told that pretty much anyone who has the flu right now has the swine flu!) Then Lim was the next in line to get it since he had been taking care of Alma. Isaac couldn't stay away from both of them so he was next and then Malachi. We changed our guest room into the sick room! Lim and all the boys who were sick slept in there. Trying to contain it! I have kept all the boys far from Kimmie and myself! Not a fun thing to do! I have been feeling like a horrible mother! I want to cuddle them and to let them love on their new sister who they all adore and love, but I wanted to keep Kimmie and myself far from their illness. I have been praying like no other for it to keep away from Kimmie and myself. We have been given blessings and with the power of those blessings the boys are now good to go and Lim is too! Yay!! I have been also faced with some other physical health problems during this time which was making it very difficult for me to do much, (not that I could do much in the first three weeks). It has been hard and very painful but I am grateful for these trials that we have been faced with. One my testimony on the power of the Priesthood and Prayer has been strengthened. Two I have been able to see the Lords hand in these trials and have seen his tender mercies. I am grateful for the gospel, and to have a new addition to our family. I can't wait to start taking pictures with all of my children! To show all of you all the cute things our children are doing! I know that I wouldn't have been able to grow or to rely upon the Savior so much had I not gone through these trails. I can truly say that I am grateful for our Savior and the trials that he gives me so that I can be the person I am supposed to be. I do have pictures of Kimmie that I haven't posted yet. : ) I will be posting those soon. : )


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