Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Crafting it up!!! : )

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So Kate and I have done lots of crafts!! It has been so much fun having her here and doing crafts with her. We did all but one craft! I think that is pretty good esp since I had my fall and was out of commission for a while. That is another post though. So here are some pictures of the crafting we have done. We made bows for our girls to put on their headbands made out of tights. I Love the big flowers on little girls so I made a couple of big ones and will be making smaller ones soon. : )Kate made big and small ones. We were getting tired and silly. We had a Great Time!!!! Next is the bow holders. They look like ballerina dresses!!! I Love them! I saw the idea on Tamara's friends blog and I thought that they were so adorable!!! I couldn't help myself! Last but not least we made fancy wipe holders!! We even made a big one too!! I am thinking about selling some of these crafts. Kate and I like to call ourselves the hotglue gun girls. hahahaha It makes you feel good when you make something awesome for your chillin's!!! : ) Well enjoy the pics. Let me know what you think. : ) Also sorry that it has taken me so long to post.


Tiffany said...

Very, very cute!!!