Saturday, July 18, 2009

My new hair cut

So I have been needing a hair cut for a very long time! So Kate and I finally went and got our hair cut before Lim left to BNOC. I was really happy with my hair cut! The lady who did Kate's didn't listen very well. She cut Kate's hair a lot shorter then what Kate wanted. She is still getting used to it but it is still cute! I think she looks great. Kate and I were both traumatized when we were younger. My Mom took us to this lady who didn't know how to cut hair and made us both look like boys! Not a good activity! Anyway so we were teased horribly for the hair cuts we were given. So I haven't had short hair for a long long time because of it. Now I am over it and totally Love my short hair cuts! This is the shortest I have gone. I do love it though. It is easy and my kind of style. Kate is getting used to her hair cut and since we came home and styled it our way she feels much more better about it. Here is our before and after pictures. : )


Tiffany said...

You are so stinkin' cute, Erin! I sure wish I could be there with you! Love the haircuts.

Shirley B. said...

you both look sooooo good in your short hair! You definitly do NOT look like BOYS!! And finally a picture of your bellies! My little girls are not so little anymore (either the outside girls or the inside girls).
Love ya,