Friday, March 20, 2009

What a week!!!

We have had quite the week this past week! It began about two Saturday's ago when Isaac became really sick. I know again with being sick, I tell ya! So we thought that we would wait it out but his fever wouldn't break! Not even with Tylenol and Motrin being used as a tag team every four hours! It was at 104.0 so Lim ended up taking him in to the ER. We figured it was strep. The test came back neg, but the Dr. said that it was the quick test and it is only 85 percent correct so since Isaac had puss pockets on the back of his throat he was given antibiotics. Anyway that was the start after Isaac was sick a couple of days later Alma started showing the same signs. It starts with a very bad headach maybe even a migraine, then the high fever that doesn't like to break and a very sore throat. Poor guys. Alma drank after Isaac same with Malachi. So of course when Alma and Isaac were almost done Malachi starts showing the same signs. We have had so many antibiotics in this house I tell ya. So I thought okay well we must be almost over this hopefully and I can give my house some TLC. I am amazed on how quickly the laundry adds up, and how fast the house can be messy! I was starting to feel like I was catching it so I had to rest a lot. Well Malachi was starting to show that he was feeling better and we had an appointment to go to. So we were off, went to our appointment, picked up Katelynn ( I watch her) from school and then went to the auto store because Oh yes our car almost broke down on us but with having good friends who know about cars and willing to lend a helping hand we have been working on our car and fixing it. Thank goodness!!! Anyway so we headed back home and as we walked in to our home it wreaked of gas and like something was on fire! So we searched our home trying to see if anything was on fire. We couldn't find anything! During this time the children are taking off their shoes which we told them NOT to do and was making themselves comfortable! I came downstairs and Isaac is like look Mom I took off my shoes can we watch this movie? I said NO we need to get out of here!!!! So I put his shoes on and had to pick Malachi up from laying on the stairs and was able to get all the kids out of the house and into the car. I parked the car across the parking lot and was waiting for Lim to come out of the house. He was trying to pick up some laundry that was in the hallway and such so the house didn't look too messy before we called the military police. I know silly of us. He came out only a couple of minutes after being in there feeling dizzy. So the Fire Department ended up coming like three trucks and the Fire Chief came as well! They searched but couldn't find anything either so they called up our housing people and asked for a technician to come. I have never seen them come so quick before!!! The first thing that he checked was our heater. Sure enough it was our heater. The capacitor stopped working, but the fan kept on going and was working over time. It ended up cracking the capacitor and was burning it and the wires! There wasn't any flames. The capacitor is made of plastic. Anyway it was good that we came home when we did because our heater and water heater which is right by eachother in the middle of our house, go off of gas not electric. Anyway it was crazy! So if we wouldn't have been home our house would have been gone! Crazy! So we are counting our blessings to say the least. Our good friend Jessica called to see if everything was okay since there was so many fire trucks by our house. She offered to have the boys to her house even though they were sick! What a life saver! So by the time I came home from dropping off the boys everyone was gone. I couldn't believe how fast they all left! I didn't even get to talk to the technician! He discovered the problem changed the capacitor and left during the time it took me to walk the boys up the street! Anyway the vapors were so strong we had to get into lodging for the night to air out our house. The next day it was almost clear. The upstairs was but I had to air out the downstairs all day. The boys and I all stayed upstairs. Anyway we are all safe and secure now and everything is back to normal now. I yes I have finally been able to show my house some TLC since all the boys are all better now. Malachi was such a trooper during the whole fire thing. His fever started spiking to 104.0 degrees. Poor guy! What a week!


KariMarie said...

HOLY BUCKETS! That is quite the week. What I think is neat is the fact that you still count your blessings with all that you'd gone through and to know Heavenly Father is watching out for us even when we are frazzled with other things.

Unknown said...

Wow, Sorry things have been so crazy. Glad everyone is getting better and that no body was hurt.

Scott and Sarah said...

Yikes! What a blessing that everything and everyone is safe. Send the boys our love. How's everything going with your pregnancy? Feeling better? Keep me updated! Scott had my phone and mailed it back, so I don't have your number yet. I should be getting my phone soon, then I'll give you a call :)

Helena said...

Whew! I'm glad everyone's okay!

Jordee said...

Oh no fun. We have all been sick here too though not that sick. How are you feeling? How is everything going with Lim's school? I miss you guys.