Thursday, January 8, 2009

Potty training Alma

So yesterday we decided to potty train Alma. It was going really well yesterday he went potty on the toilet and was feeling good about doing that. I was having him drink lots and lots of juice to help him to go poop. Well he wouldn't he tried everything that he could to avoid going. Which he did a good job of doing. I knew that it wouldn't be long that he would go so this morning I went down stairs to let Katelynn in. I babysit her. Anyway so I was on the coach taking a little nap while I was waiting for everyone to wake up. Malachi and Lim didn't come home until 3:00 this morning so they were all tired. We all were because I couldn't sleep when it was taking them so long. I was wondering what was going on. Anyway so everyone was sleeping in. Well Alma woke up and I am not sure exactly when but Isaac came down stairs with Alma and said Mom Alma pooped! I said what! I was waiting for you to get up how did you poop already. He looked at me with a blank stare and said Mom I had to poop. Reasonable answer so I started the car to warm it up to take Katelynn to school and came back in. He pooped alright all the way down his leg and to the bottom of his foot! Yuck!!!! The whole juice thing backfired on me!!! Then while I was changing his diaper he coughed and had lots of phlegm that he just swallowed. His tummy didn't like that too much so he started to throw up while I was wiping the massive amount of poo off of his leg and foot! I had to roll him to his side so he could throw up. The whole time Lim was in the shower and couldn't hear me calling for him. So I just finished wiping off the poo and took him upstairs to have him take a shower with Daddy! I cleaned up everything, washed my hands and then took Katelynn to school. What a morning I tell ya. My tummy was pretty upset on that one! We are going to keep on keeping on with the Potty training : )


leslie mae said...

Good Luck!!! I hate potty training!!

KariMarie said...

I am not looking forward to potty training. How old is Alma? Leighton grew out of the size 6 diapers and has been wearing 3T-4T pull ups. Yes, we've even tried to start him on potty training, but he is definitely not ready. He's almost 2 1/2. Good luck though, that poop story is just nasty! Make sure you remember that one to tell him when he gets older.

Horn Family said...

Yeah I am so going to remember to tell that story. Alma is two and a half. His birthday is in July. He has been showing that he was ready a long time ago but I wasn't ready to train him since I was moving to Wa and then getting ready to move back to Kansas. So I put it off for a while. hahaha So we thought now was a good time. Yeah you want to wait until they are ready.

Tiffany said...

That's so gross! Katie has digressed on the potty training. Frustrating, but whatever... I'm done fighting that battle. :)