Saturday, November 22, 2008

Funny Alma : )

Lately Alma has been climbing on everything!!! He has been jumping off of the stools that I just bought which gives me a heart attack every time I see him jump. He is so funny. He doesn't want me to just put him in his car seat he wants to climb in his car seat himself. He newest thing is " No I do it Mom" He still is my cuddlier. So the other morning I was talking to my hubby upstairs and Alma was downstairs. Well I went down there to start breakfast for the boys and I found Alma in the sink! I couldn't believe it. He climb onto the counter and went across the sink to the side furthest away from the counter that he climbed up on! I wish I would have had my camera when I walked down the stairs! His facial expression was priceless!!! I did get very cute pics though. His socks were soaking wet because I had dishes rinsed and ready for me to load up in the dishwasher. I couldn't believe that he wanted to be in that one that had so many dishes in it. I tell ya. He always is surprising me. I just can't wait for Lim to come home and see how funny this boy is!!! All the boys are funny. I will catch the older two doing something soon I am sure and then I will post a blog. I Love finding the Joy in the Journey!!!! : )


Helena said...

What cute photos!

Unknown said...

Funny for you! Alexis likes to sit on the Island and on the back of the couch.

leslie mae said...

Oh I miss those boys!!!

Elder Jesse Bergman Cooke
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2005 N. 900 E.
Provo, Utah 84604-1793

Jordee said...

So cute!!