Wednesday, April 30, 2008

We are no more then dirt. :)

On Sunday we had a great lesson in Sunday school. I haven't been able to go to Sunday School in a super long time and I am sure that I will be getting a calling soon that probably won't allow me to attend very often so I felt inspired to share my feelings on our lesson on Sunday. The sister who taught is just awesome. She has a great knowldge of the Gospel and understands it really well. We were learning about how we are not better then dirt. She asked us how does that make you feel, knowing that you are no better then a peice of dirt and asked why that would be so important for us to know that. There was answers given, and then she said yes to make us humble. If we think that we are no greater then a piece of dirt, than it keeps us grateful as well. Instead of saying well I didn't get that or she has this that is better then mine or I want this so and so has that and I need it. The media has really been focusing on how we should be good to ourselves, have the best of the best. Get the top of the line stuff. Do what you want to do. The reason behind this is to get us to be jealouse, to envy one another, to have us be selfish! If we keep on remembering how we are no more then dirt it will keep us grateful for anything and everything that we have or that may come our way!!!! It is so true!! It is so easy to get caught up with what the worldly cares. To keep the right perspective would be to have an eternal one that leads you back to Heavenly Father. It really touched me and how she just was so filled with knowldge! It is so awesome!!! I Love Sunday School!!!! I learn so much while I am there!!! I just wanted to share that with you so next time you feel like you don't have anything, think about the house that you have, the food that you eat, the clothes on your back. For your sweet children and all the funny things that they do. For everything and when you keep that on your mind you can look at the world with a new love for our Savior. He has blessed us greatly!!! I know that these things are true and I am so grateful for such a loving Savior. In the name of Jesus Christ Amen. :)